
Patricia ChaseThe mission of Venture to Wellness is to enhance the well-being and happiness of clients in a supportive and caring manner. As a mutually advantageous partnership we will formulate an action plan to achieve those goals.

About Dr. Stapley Chase

She has a BSc. in microbiology; a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (has practised small animal medicine for over thirty- nine years); is certified with the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society; has completed the degree  Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Health (human); and is a certified personal trainer (PTS) as well as a certified Older Adult Specialist (OAS) trainer. She is certified with the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society and has completed courses in herbology, homotoxicology and studied magnetic and laser therapy techniques.  Her special interest and Dissertation thesis was written on: “The Relationship between toxic load and response to detoxification” with seventy subjects participating in a clinical trial.  As well as extensive interaction with people at her current vocation, she has served on several committees, professionally as a councillor for her provincial veterinary association (chairing the Discipline Committee, sitting on the Complaints Committee and on the national Communications Committee and a member of the provincial Animal Care Review Board ) as well as community and religious organizations. Involvement in these organizations has given her extensive experience working with people in group and individual situations.

Dr. Stapley Chase has experience in nutritional counselling and detoxification and believes preventive health care and detoxification are important in health maintenance . She has been engaged in training and competing in dragon boat racing for over fourteen years and body building for over three years. Having completed her Can Fit Pro certification as a personal trainer she enjoys helping others work on increasing muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. She works one on one formulating and demonstrating programs that can be done at home with minimal equipment or in a gym facility.

She welcomes inquiries as to how nutrition and physical activity could impact your overall wellness.

For further information, please contact: pstapleychase@gmail.com

Check us on facebook at:  www.facebook.com/venturetowellness